
Showing posts from April, 2015

2015 BBB Torch Award for Ethical Commerce

We are excited to announce that Southwestern Advantage was the large-company recipient of the 2015 Torch Award for Ethical Commerce by the Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee. "Annually since 1998, BBB presents Torch Awards for Ethical Commerce to companies in Middle TN who exemplify BBB’s mission of ethical business practices. The BBB Torch Awards program is a rigorous process for any co mpany participating in the entry process, says, Kathleen Calligan, BBB CEO. "This is no popularity contest as nominees are reviewed by a panel of independent judges who evaluate the company’s demonstrated commitment to business practices that build trust with employees, customers, and vendors and in the marketplace."" Read more: nashville/news-events/ bbb-in-the-news/2015/04/ bbb-announces-torch-awards- for-ethical-commerce/

'Share The Advantage' wins Public Service Award

Southwestern Advantage was honored for Public Service last night by the Public Relations Society of America – Nashville Chapter. The Parthenon Award was won for the Share the Advantage Program in 2015. For three out of four years, Southwestern Advantage has won this category for efforts to help young people who are at risk all over the world (2012. 2014, 2015). The Southwestern Advantage Student Reps have really embraced the concept of being service-minded. From helping orphans, revitalizing schools and daycares, working with special needs organizations, donating our books and website subscriptions, raising over $62,000 to build a gifted home in Mexico, raising $7,000 for an injured dealer, and so much more, these young people do it all. We are very proud to work with some of the finest college and university students from the US, Canada, and all across Europe.