Southwestern Launches LEAD Program

It takes more than classroom knowledge alone to achieve our goals in life. For over 150 years, Southwestern has trained college students on the principles of leadership and community impact. These principles are now being shared with young people through a new program called LE ∆D . LE ∆D is a program designed to help young people gain the skills and character they need to achieve their goals in life. The program spotlights L ife skills, E ducation, A ccountability, and D ifference-making in the community — preparing students for success both before and after graduation. SOUTHWESTERNLEAD.COM Your membership includes up to 6 user profiles. Enjoy an engaging video library on success principles, take leadership courses, utilize educational resources, book meetings with program mentors, and explore member opportunities. LEAD GROWTH BOOK Our LE∆D Growth Book dives into fundamental leadership principles the program spotlights. Answer the prompts in your Growth Book, step up to th...