Megan Baker: Why I use Southwestern Advantage books in my classroom

As an alumna of their sales & leadership program , I obviously loved the Southwestern Advantage products and believed in their effectiveness in reaching students. Now, as an educator, I am even more convicted in the Southwestern Advantage products. I currently teach third and fourth grade students in a small school in the Sand Hills of Nebraska. Most of my students have never been past a two hour radius of their home. I try to incorporate as many “real-world” experiences to my students as possible while still reaching all the standards that are required. I have found in my years of teaching that kids LOVE non-fiction books. As a teacher, so do I. Books about animals, space, and our Earth are so interesting to kids who love learning. My students choose to use their free-time in the classroom reading the Explore and Learn and Ask Me books from Southwestern Advantage. They are always quick to tell me the new facts they...