What You Are Someday Going To Be, You Are Now Becoming

One of the most sobering thoughts I have been confronted with is, "What you are someday going to be, you are now becoming." You are now, this moment, exactly what you have been in the process of becoming all your life.

Are you now the person you dreamed about becoming? If you had written down several years ago exactly the type of person you wanted to be today, what kind of person would you have described? How close are you to being that person now?

What kind of person do you want to be a year from now? Or two years from now? Or five years from now? 10? 20? Right now you are in the process of becoming the person you will be a year, or two, or five, or 10 or 20 years from now. 

The habits you have now will determine the kind of person you will become unless you change those habits now.

What attitude would you like to have someday? The attitude you have now is a good indication of the attitude you will have someday, unless right now you begin to develop a new kind of attitude.

If you are not currently doing the things you need to do to become what you want to become, what makes you believe that you ever will?

Do you have situations or circumstances that are preventing you from becoming what you want to become? Those situations and circumstances will pass but they will be replaced by new ones. If you want to become a better (or different) kind of person, you have to get started now. You cannot wait for situations or circumstances that are just right. 

Have you ever told yourself, "Someday I am going to begin to save money on a regular basis?" Are you saving now? If not, you probably never will... unless you begin now. It will never be any easier, even if your income doubles or triples. It will never be any easier, even if you someday earn ten times as much as you do now. Saving money regularly has very little to do with income; it's a decision that is made. If you want to develop a good savings account, begin now. In all probability, it's now or never.

Do you plan to have good work habits someday? Do you have good work habits now? If not, you probably never will... unless you are willing to develop them right now. What you are someday going to be, you are now becoming.

Maybe you have said, "Someday, I am going to set aside time to read the Bible and pray daily." Why someday? If you're not willing to set aside time now, you probably won't do it someday. If you plan to ever begin, you had better start forming the habits today.

Many years ago a man named Spencer Hays asked me, "Jim, what kind of person do you want to be in five years? What kind of husband do you want to be? What kind of father do you want to be?" I answered Spencer by telling him the kind of person I wanted to become; the person I wanted to be as a husband and father. Spencer answered by saying, "What you are someday going to be, you are now becoming." Then he asked me, "If you are not willing to do those things now, what makes you think you ever will?" I resolved then to begin doing those things which would enable me to become the person, the husband and father I wanted to become.

We are each faced with a choice. We can either begin to do those things that will enable us to become what we someday want to become... or we can learn to live with regret. I would prefer to do even those very difficult tasks that will enable me to become what I want to become than to live with regret. Every time you do something you know you ought to do, you feel good about yourself. When you choose not to, you feel bad about yourself. Either way, you are in the process of becoming closer to what you will someday be.

Albert Gray said, "The secret of success of every man who has ever been successful lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do." To become what we want to become requires forming the habit of doing the right things, the hard things, the things failures don't like to do. The best time to begin forming those habits is right now.

We are now, deliberately and consciously, choosing to become what we want to someday be, or we are unconsciously making the choice. Either way we are in the process. King David in the Old Testament deliberately sought God's will in most facets of his life and became a successful king. He apparently did not consciously decide what kind of father he would become.

As a result, his children were the cause of much personal sorrow. One of his sons gathered an army to overthrow him. Another son raped his own sister. The son who committed the rape was murdered by another of David's sons. We are each in the process, now, of becoming who we will someday be. 

I've had the privilege of hearing many outstanding success stories. The achievers of those successes invariably stated, "I decided to." Immediately after deciding, they took actions that enabled them to begin achieving that which they decided to do. It is through action that we become.

This world is littered with failures. These people did not intend to become what they are. They intended to achieve great things. They intended to become much more than average, but they instead waited around for a better set of circumstances.

What are you waiting for? Students wait until they finish school. Adults wait until they get promoted. Middle-aged people wait until they can retire. Too many people wait for circumstances to be "normal." In the process of waiting, they become who they are, even if it isn't who they intended to become. Life doesn't wait. You're right now, becoming what you are someday going to be. What are you doing right now to become what you want to someday become?

Losers don't intend to lose. They lose while waiting for their circumstances to improve. Winners don't wait. They do what it takes to become what they want to become. They make the hard decisions, and they act on it now. 

You'll find in our world that success begins with a person's will; with their state of mind.

-Jim McEachern (1935 - 2011)
Former CEO of Tom James Company


  1. I want to become a strong, motivated, and hardworking person in the future. Letting go of habits I’m used to and becoming a leader in everything I do!


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  3. Hello my friends, I want you all to know that becoming a vampire is not ritual or spiritual, as all this imposter’s are saying here….Last year i was scam twice and i lost a lot of money, by all this imposter’s here…Thanks to Ghandourah Hasan who later make me vampire, which i later find out that becoming a vampire is not ritual or spiritual…You can contact Ghandourah Hasan for more info: ghandourahhasan1987@gmail.com and my name is charlie.

  4. Breaking bad habits is not easy, but at the same time, it isn't impossible. You learn from mistakes about yourself in many ways.


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