Be Curious

i'm not a big fan of the phrase, "curiosity killed the cat."
instead, i'd rather hear, "curiosity is what makes my cat so darn interesting."

have you noticed that we sometimes tend to just accept the answers that others give us without digging deeper? how often do we ask 'why' or 'why not'? the intention is not to challenge or attack the other person, but to learn - and potentially gain - a little something more valuable or worthwhile. 

people often give the answers that they think are correct, but really, that answer is just a symptom of a problem. 

boss: "we don't have the budget for that team building course in colorado."
you: "why not?"
boss: "well, we're spending far too much on the training courses that we provide here at the company."
you: "i see. are the courses we provide well attended?"
boss: "not particularly."
you: "do employees find them helpful or inspiring?"
boss: "not from the feedback i've heard."
you: "perfect. so we do have the budget for it, if only we can pull it from the training course here that is not found particularly helpful or valuable."

my point is that the problem was not the lack of budget, just the lack of curiosity, problem solving, and creativity. the budget was there, just the prioritization was not. 

friend: "i'm taking two weeks off of work to go out of the country."
you: "that's awesome! why?"
friend: "i'm actually going to india for a mission trip to help build an orphanage and shelter for a small town."
you: "wow. now tell me, why india?" get the idea. we learn by asking questions. do this in your work or your day-to-day. you may find it increasing your productivity, job-satisfaction, efficiency, and respect for friends and colleagues. ask curious questions with your parents, kids, neighbors, or the lady behind the store counter.

curiosity is what makes us, and others, so darn interesting (like my cat).

Lexi from

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